Monday, January 30, 2012

Special and Specialer...

   Yesterday should have been one of those high water marks in my Christian life. After all, it was a confirmation that God was working here, and that He had put his seal of approval on past and on future works. The fact that the church had asked me to be an elder had led to the ordination to this office at the end of both services, but at the end of the day, the thing that gnawed at me was the fact that I had not been able, or did not choose, to take the time to really sit at the feet of Jesus and hear what He had to say. I gave lip service to the idea, even looked spiritual and humble about the whole affair, but only basked in the light of earthly honor, not the real Light.

   I tasted of the bread of human affirmation, but neglected Jesus calling to me and saying that He was the Bread of Life. Not that I had not done what I felt called to, because all through this process, even when I doubted that He wanted me to fulfill this role, God continued to lead me to it. So I accepted that the call to leadership in this, His church, and the laying on of hands signified that the church, and its leaders, had put its stamp of approval on a person.

   But at the end of that eventful day, my thoughts turned to the fact that I had not taken enough time to even sit down and reflect on the Scripture for that day. I had been busy and some of the things were "spiritual", but they had not given me the true satisfaction that comes from personal contact with Jesus. Was I feeling a hunger for the real thing or just a guilt because I had fallen down on my plan to sit, pray, meditate and write that day, of all days?

   And then this morning, I woke up pretty early with the house dark and quiet and the first thought that entered my head was that Jesus was inviting me to come and sit and taste the real Bread of life.

   Yesterday was a special day , but today was "specialer".

   My prayer as I end this time:

   Dear God, thank You for this morning and the affirmation that I am on the right track. Thank You for the Scripture that talked of the Bread of Life. Thank You for tapping me on the shoulder early and inviting me to the table. Thank You for letting me recognize that call, and help me to live it today. Don't let me make it just another time to hang my hat and look back on, but one that will change my life for today, and for all days.

   My two favorite prayers, "Thank You" and "Help".

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