But I also think that thanksgiving is more than just a holiday. It is more than just a way of living my life, as good as that might be. It is more than just sitting around a festive table, filled with goodies, and recalling the things that I am thankful for. It involves at least two more ingredients, two responsibilities.
It is not enough to just be thankful. I can rest on the sofa after a big (no, a huge) meal and be pleasantly thankful. Filling my heart with this gratitude and being satisfied in where I am and what my place in life has become. It is more than just that. My personal responsibility is to make sure that my thankfulness is directed to the true source of all these blessings. Just being thankful is not enough, being thankful to God, the giver of all things, is important. It is not through anything that I have done, or deserve, that my life is filled, it is only by His hand that I am blessed.
The second is like unto the first. When I am truly thankful to God, it is my responsibility not to shrink away from proclaiming that fact. I don't need to just sit back and accept these things from His hand, I need to be faithful in sharing the reason for my grateful attitude. If it is not a secret to me where all of my blessing comes from, neither should it be a secret kept in my heart and not shared.
I said two responsibilities, but just thought of a third. The sharing of blessings, both by word and action, is another way of being truly thankful. God has blessed me and I need to bless others by what I say, what I do, and what I have.
There is a chorus that we used to sing a lot of times in church, and need to sing more, that is the way that I want to live my life.
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
I love this verse. I get chills when I hear the music and think on the words. I want it to be the statement of my life.
I am thankful today for everything God has given to me, both spiritual and material, but I want to be His man here where He has put me, to not only have this attitude, but to fulfill the responsibilities that come with the blessings.
May it be so, even today and the rest of my days.
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