Sometimes I even think that Orion is my friend. He is there, almost above my head, and his belt is obvious and recognizable. When I spot it, I can think that all is well. The predictability is comforting in a world that is not.
Then there is the movement of the various stars around in the sky according to the date of our calendar. For the past several days now, I have watched as the planets of Venus, Jupiter and Mars have changed positions in these early morning Fall days.
But they are not just random positions. Astronomers can tell us how they will be aligned on this morning, as they did on yesterday and they will be able to predict where they will be tomorrow.
There is order up there.
All by random chance, or intelligent design?
I know that if I wake up early, and get out while it is still dark, and the sky is clear, I will be able to spot these stars and planets as they cycle through the seasons of the year. Their orbits are fixed in a solar system that we can know.
I can make plans for my life. I can set them in motion, but I can't even know how each day will work out. Who will I meet? Where might I be? What will I be doing?
Who knows, I might not even live out this day. Then what about my plans for tomorrow and the next day, month or year?
Maybe I can be comforted by the order in God's universe, but the only way I can live each day in His peace is to realize that He is in control. His will for me is the best, and if I am in the middle of that Will, all will be OK.
Should I just sing?
- Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
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