As I poured some into my bowl this morning, I took a close look at what the dialog said on the box. There on the front was a big wheat biscuit with a small side note right next to the right bottom edge. As it pointed to the cereal biscuit it stated: "Enlarged to Show Taste".
That caught my attention..
How in the world can you enlarge a picture of a cereal biscuit to show how it tastes?
Is it a relative of those old scratch and sniff deals from way back, with a new twist?
The enlarged picture did not help me, I had to put some in a bowl with milk to find out about taste.
A Bible verse from Psalms came to mind when talking of tasting:
Psalm 34:8
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him."
Later, as we watched our church service on the live stream, it came to me how a picture could relate to tasting. As the pastor talked about the many people who had helped others in some way during the hurricane, I thought of our friends down the landing.
When these neighbors appeared at our door with food during Irma, they were being the hands and feet of Christ to us.
When we see the containers of food and the coffee in their hands, we can still experience the taste contained in those.
We can also "taste" the goodness of God as he meets our needs through His helpers
But I still don't know about tasting Organic Autumn Wheat from a picture on a box. That too could be a blessing, maybe.
Hw did it taste? Was it worth being free?