Sunday, September 25, 2016

Is This The Time?

   I have been thinking for some time about the current political situation in our country. How can you not if you even turn on the TV news?

   I've become, in turn, disgusted, confused, angry and concerned about the political discourse and the shouting, name calling, and lack of substantive conversation that comes to me in the guise of news.

   It is not about me, it is about any of us who love this land, and who feel trapped, trapped in a world of choices, none of which seems right or prudent.

   We are being given a choice of voting or not.

   We have a choice of voting for someone we don't even like, or feeling guilty for throwing our vote to one who has no chance to win. Or we might stay home..

   If we realize that there are only two candidates who have a logical path to the presidency, and we do not feel that either might be qualified or morally strong, what do we do?

   If not this time to think about it all, then when? It is only a month and a few days till we get in the voting booth, and then what?

   I do not like or trust either major candidate. I see egotism, self proclamation, dishonesty and political greed. I may be wrong, and sincerely hope that I am, but I do not want to just hold my nose and vote.

   Which one, if they become president for 4 years, will give us the best chance to survive to fight another day? Which is the least worst?

   I don't seem to hear as much discussion on the men and women who are making the races for the House and Senate, but it seems to me that they are the ones who may hold the key to survival. They can serve as a check and balance to an "out of control" executive, no matter which party.

   I'll watch the debate on Monday. I may even learn something that will alleviate my fears, but I will also be glad that I'm not the one in ultimate control of the outcome. Yes, I will do my duty and vote come November, but I will also pray for His wisdom in doing so.

   My Bible indicates that God is in control, and I'll trust Him.

   "Thy Will Be Done"

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