Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mundane or Purposeful?

   Jesus is walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee one day and sees some men working at their fishing chores. They were getting their equipment ready to ply their trade. Now the Gospel of Matthew, in chapter 4, says that Jesus called them to "Follow me" and they did. He did not ask them to think about doing this if they had time for it, He just said "do it". He did not ask them to consider the consequences, just to follow. I believe that there was a sense of urgency in Jesus' voice, and these future disciples responded.

   Later on in the same story, Jesus is healing many people around the area, and the momentum of His ministry was growing, so much so that people were coming from everywhere as His fame spread. I can see, in my mind's eye, a man who had been healed finding a friend that needed Jesus' intervention in his life, and urging him to come with him to see this miracle worker. "Do it now", would be his plea. 

   The time frame of Jesus' walking among men on this earth was fixed, and in His divinity, He knew it. From what I can see in the Gospels, everything that Jesus did had a purpose. Even His times of rest, or fellowship, or maybe even play, were leading to a desired end. He knew where He was going and His life continued to point that way.  It would seem that underlying this sense of purpose was a sense of urgency.

   Then I have to ask myself, do I see any sense of either purpose or urgency in my life? Is it just business as usual every day without a thought of tomorrow or of the people around me? If God woke me up this morning to come in here and spend some time praying or thinking, what is the result? Will this make any difference in the great scheme of things?

   I believe that God responds to all of this with a word to "look around you, see where I have placed you and actually see the people that are in your life. There is a purpose for all of this, it is not just happenstance. Don't just sit and wait for some great job to do, but live your faith out every day in all the normal areas of your life. Open your eyes and truly see."

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