Thursday, January 5, 2012

Faces in the Crowd

My prayer this morning as I sat down to study:
    Dear God, even as I type these few words, I am humbled by the fact that you care about me I want to show my gratitude to You by trying to live the life that would honor You. I pray that you would show me in Your Word what that should look like.

The Scripture from Matthew 6, in my own words:
    (These scriptures follow the incident of the feeding of the 5,000, and Jesus retreat to a different locale with the people following.)

   The people came to Jesus and asked him for some sign so that they might believe, although He had just performed the miracle of their feeding. They brought up the feeding Moses had given their forefathers in the wilderness with the manna, maybe with its continued happening for 40 years, but Jesus used that to say that it was God who had given the manna and now the True Bread is given to you. The bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.

   Jesus goes on to say that "I am the bread of life, this bread would not be like the manna which only sustained the children of Israel for the 40 years in the wilderness, because they died anyway."

   Jesus continued by saying; "I am the living bread that came down to earth directly from heaven and if anyone eats of this bread, he would live forever". He then clarifies this symbolism with the words, "the bread that I give for this life that God offers you, is my flesh"

Things that jumped out to me this morning:
    Jesus wants the people who have followed him to that place to look for more than just physical sustenance. They wanted a sign that He was the one that could meet their needs. They might have wanted to hear the truth, but they wanted to hear it with bellies full, at least many did. Do I care more about living well, than living right?

   Jesus says the He is the true bread that God gives, the bread that brings life that continues even after death, and the bread that people should want more than that which only fills the stomach. His flesh, that he willingly gives up, is the way to eternal life.

What is my prayer after this meditation on the Scripture?
    God, I confess that I want the true bread that You gave in your Son Jesus, and that You continue to give each day to those who believe. So much of my belief consists of head knowledge only, so help me to make it real in my heart as well.

    I am grateful for that sacrifice for me, and that you care that much about little old me. Help me to not only acknowledge this, but believe it and live it each day, beginning with today.

How does all of this affect my life today?
   I can see myself in the crowd that followed Jesus after the feeding of all those men and women. I can see at least three different groupings within that multitude and I can identify with each group in some way.

   First of all were the people that saw Jesus as the key to an easy life. If He would feed them, like He had done already, on a continual basis, they could forget the daily scramble for the material things that kept them alive. They would be glad to listen to His words forever, if only they were not hungry any more.

   Then there were those folks who would be happy to sit as His feet and take in all that He had to say, filling their minds with all sorts of good things, but not truly believing in a life changing way. Jesus would be a good teacher, even a righteous one, but not the Son of God who comes to take away the sin of the world.

    But there would be some that took it all in and saw the true meaning of His words. They might be few, but they would put His words into their hearts and would use them as a springboard into His service. They would not only accept His benefits, but share in His sufferings as well. They would become the true church.

   I know what portion of the crowd I want to be identified with, but am I willing to go that far?

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