Monday, January 9, 2012

Looking For LIGHT

   This morning was a pretty hard go for me. The Scripture, John 1, seems pretty straightforward, but when I begin to look for the meaning in my life, especially as it relates to this coming day, the way gets foggy.

   The whole passage seems to revolve around Light. In Genesis 1, where the earth is created, the first words that God utters is "Let there be Light". I have always thought this referred to that physical light that helps me to see what is around me, but perhaps it is more than just that. There is that light that illuminates my mind as to the how and whys of things. There is also that spiritual light that gives me insight into things of that realm.

   Light has all of these qualities, physical, mental and spiritual and they are all embodied in one Person, Jesus Christ.

   John, the writer of the Gospel, wrote his book so that the Light would be made known. He had lived with that Light for 3 years, he had touched that Light, listened to that Light, saw what He had done, saw Him die, and saw Him alive again. John knew that Light intimately, and yet still struggled to understand. Only after the Holy Spirit enlightened him, was he able to make sense of Jesus' earthly life. As to the greater ramifications of that Light, those that stretch from before creation to after time ceases, if that ever comes, John probably won't see all that until God makes it known to him in heaven.

   My struggle is captured in my prayer and final thoughts. I know it is mine, but it may be others also.

   Dear God, I do not know what all I have captured from this text today. I can mentally understand what light is, because I can tell the difference between light and dark, but all of the greater implications for my life seem nebulous and far away. I can make the mental judgment that Jesus is that Light that penetrates the darkness, physical, mental and spiritual, but I confess that I do not understand how it all plays out. Perhaps I take it all on faith and wait to see how it works out, but I would like to be a better witness of that Light. I believe that You have put the desire in me to want to know more, but I want to know more in my heart than in my mind. Perhaps one leads to the other, but for right now, I don't know that either.

   I do not want my life on earth to be wasted, or my words to be of no effect. I want to be significant, not for men's eyes, but for Yours. Help me to see what that means and please give me more of You so that I can see that Light.

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