Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Word of the Day

Three separate ideas or themes bounce around in my mind this morning. Maybe if I put them on paper (or on the computer) they will begin to sort themselves out in some way.

1. The Scripture this morning is the  incident in John 8 where the woman is brought to Jesus; the woman who has been caught in adultery. Jesus does not condemn her but tells her to go and sin no more.

2. A breakfast this morning with a brother who has struggled financially for the past 5 years, beginning with the housing bust and continuing till today. As it is for a lot of families today, the struggle is not just from earning and paying bills, but it is a struggle to realize that we cannot always do for ourselves, as men want to do, but have to wholly rely on God working in our situation to keep us. The struggle, to keep an optimistic outlook because we know that God is in control and that he will provide, is hard with no light at the end of the tunnel.

3. Then there is my struggle with church leadership. It is not so much that I do not want to be in that capacity, it is more the question in my heart, "Will I be able to hear God's voice and see His heart in the things that I am called upon to decide or direct or influence in some way?" "Am I capable to discern what might need to be done?"

Is there any common thread in these three?

1. If God calls us to a job, He will give us the means to accomplish it if we only ask and trust.

2. Having to trust in God and His provision builds our faith when He comes through again and again.

3. Jesus does not condemn us for our questions, but instead quietly tells us to go on trusting Him to show a better way to live.

Looks like the word of the day is TRUST and knowing the One to trust covers a multitude of situations. Now to do it.

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