Monday, December 17, 2012

Tears Again

   The other day, I was moved to tears as I wrote about the parents of the children in Connecticut who would not have a very good Christmas because of the school shooting up there. It was even hard for me to focus on the page as I wrote because of the emotion that filled me during that time, and it is still that way today as I remember what happened. How much more it will be for those folks.

   But there was another tearful moment for me yesterday. Not one of complete sorrow for those people up north, but one of gratitude to God for an outpouring of His great love as shown through the actions of His people.

   Let me set the stage for this. A few weeks back, our pastor had an idea that he felt would bless our congregation, to bless the folks who were hurting this season of the year and bless those that were not, all within our church. After a testimony from a couple who had been blessed by friends in the body at Christmas time, in a financially stressful time in their lives, two different groups in the church were challenged.

   The first group were those who were in need at this time. Their challenge was to swallow their pride and let the church know what their individual needs were. It would be anonymous, but they needed to let others know their true situation and not be afraid to admit to their need. It could be physical, emotional or financial, but the emphasis was on the monetary aspect.

   The second group to receive a challenge were those that had the means to help these others, especially in a financial way. Would they step up and dig deep to meet the needs of people in distress, not just a faceless mass of humanity "out there", but individuals and families that might be sitting on their same pew in the church?

   Three Sundays have come and gone. On the first one, the couple gave their testimony, and it was a powerful one. The second Sunday, at the end of his message, our pastor gave the first challenge. "If you are in need, especially financially, in this season right now, would you make your needs know to the church during the coming week. We would not publish any names, but just compile the needs and let the body know the results. Over 50 people responded to this, and the church kept a listing.

   On the third Sunday, after the message of the morning, the pastor related some of the situations the prior week had uncovered. No names, just the facts of people's lives where those specific needs resided. He invited those sitting in the congregation that morning to bring an offering to the front of the church while the lights were turned down and a carol was sung. If someone sitting there had no way to help financially, they were encouraged to write a prayer on something and bring that as their gift. There was really no pressure to act, but one by one and then almost in mass, people came forward.

   I sat in the back and watched as hundreds of people, young and old, came quietly to the front and returned to their seats. Even now, as I think of that scene, my eyes again fill with tears of gratitude. If I felt that way, think of how the people who had turned in those needs felt as they watched. It was quiet, it was done in reverence and it was amazing. I can't even come close to expressing the mood. God was there.

   This coming week, needs will be met, and next Sunday the people that responded with prayers and offerings will be reminded that, sitting right there with them, will be folks that they have helped. The people and families that have had their needs dealt with are sitting right there with those who have met those needs. The Body of Christ functioning as it should.

   I can't wait to see and feel that.

   Praise Be To God

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